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Frangipani House

Creativity - Mindful Living - Mindful Relationships

Expressive Art

Re-Discover your inner artist

At Frangipani House I offer a range of art sessions, where you can discover and express your own unique, inner artistic self. These sessions will help you to explore the world of art, help you to express your inner world, help you to create and simply enjoy the process of art making.

Allow one and a half hours for these sessions.

Art Journal l Expressive Arts Sessions l Exploring Arts Sessions l

painted vision of what we want to create care for your heart art of kintsugi artwork painted for vision of abundance in our life

Expressive Arts Sessions

"When my daughter was about seven years old, she asked me one day what I did at work. I told her I worked at the college - that my job was to teach people how to draw. She stared at me, incredulous, and said, "You mean they forget?" - Howard Ikemoto

An expressive art session is a combination of art, counselling, mindfulness and personal development. In expressive arts sessions I bring to you over twenty years of training in art, counselling, meditation and mindfulness. Art is one of the ways that our unconscious mind can express itself through images and creations we can express and create at the same time.

Each session is as unique as you are. I start the session with a counselling/mindfulness session, and move into an expressive art process based on your counselling session. I guide you in the process and there is no need for any art ability. There is a range of processes you are invited to experience...

  • collage
  • painting shapes
  • crayon scribble drawings
  • body maps
  • mandala
  • journaling
  • your own theme or vision
  • illustrating a dream

What you need to bring: a willingness to play and explore - I provide most of what you need, however, if you would like to bring your own supplies - depending on what your focus is for your art - you are welcome to bring: a journal, a canvas, paint, brushes, collage material - pictures from magazines, old cards or pamphlets that attract your attention. Bring a large old shirt to cover clothes - or wear clothes that you don't mind getting paint on.

Art Journal

An art journal is as the name suggests, a journal where you collect your thoughts, images and draw or paint inside.

art journal exercise art journal exercise collecting imagery

"Art brings out our inner healer, which changes our whole physiology, our spirit, our mind and our body heal." Barbara Ganin.

A creative practice can help us in many ways. It gives us space to express our own unique self, it gives us a sense of timeless space and peace. How long has it been since you painted or did a drawing? For some people it has been years, for others only minutes or hours. These sessions are for the complete beginner or the experienced artist.

working with texture easy to start process using language in art

Exploring Art Sessions

Always wanted to try art but a bit scared to in a group? I offer private sessions where just you and I paint together. Inside everyone is an artist waiting to create. If you would like to discover your own inner artist, then you simply need to show up with a willingness to participate. Paint your vision for your life or an abstract for your home. Work in your own journal or on a canvas, make a mandala or mixed media piece with collage - it is up to you. This process works with intention and focus - what is it that calls out to you in your life - what is your heart's desire?

What you need to bring: depending on what your focus is for your art - a journal, a canvas, paint, brushes. Clothes that you don't mind getting paint on. I suggest the student acrylic paints to start with if you are just beginning your art journey.

part image of the polka dot dress work underway part image of pandanus at lennox part of painting heart in lotus this love is the rose that blooms forever using layers to create images

The art you see on this site is by Kareen Fellows - Frangipani House Art Blog - click here.

In house at The Gold Coast Queensland, and online sessions.
Call today for an appointment: 0408 792 747

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